Privacy Policy

Rules for the protection of privacy of the users of Franchise Fair Warsaw website
  1. (hereinafter referred to as the "Website") is published by PROFIT system sp. z o.o., ul. Brazownicza 16, 01-929 Warszawa, Poland, EU VAT id PL5222550821 (hereinafter referred to as the "PROFIT system").
  2. PROFIT system pays special attention to the protection of the privacy of the Website users and the security of the processing of their personal data.
  3. PROFIT system collects and processes the following information about Website users:
    • Data required to prepare admission ticket for the fair (required is ticket purchaser name and email, voluntary also phone number and delivery address in Poland);
    • Data necessary to send the newsletter (recipient's email);
  4. Sending the personal data mentioned above is voluntary.
  5. The data of the Website users are collected and processed only for the purposes of the services provided by PROFIT system. Moreover, they may be processed, with the consent of the Website users, for legally justified purposes of PROFIT system, including direct marketing of own products and services of PROFIT system. The administrator of personal data is the PROFIT system.
  6. PROFIT system does not transfer and does not trade (sell or lend) personal data of Website users to other persons or institutions without the user's consent. The personal data of Website users processed by PROFIT system may be made available to authorized state authorities at their request, for the purposes of their proceedings, or to third parties on the basis of decisions of state authorities.
  7. At any time, the subscriber to newsletter may use the form, enter his e-mail address, check in which services this e-mail is registered and, if he wishes, he can delete his data using the form. This link is available in newsletter.
  8. PROFIT system collects the following information obtained automatically:
    • statistical data collected by Google Analytics;
    • remarketing data collected by Google and Facebook.
  9. The data is collected automatically using cookies, i.e. files stored on the computer of the Websitel user in order to present content or advertisements in line with the Website user's preferences. The cookie mechanism is not intended to obtain personal information about Website users, it is used only to aggregate statistical data on the traffic of Website users. The user may delete cookies, which will not cause any difficulties in using the Website.
  10. The Website contains links to other websites. The PROFIT system is not responsible for the privacy practices of these websites.
  11. Website users may submit questions and doubts regarding the privacy policy via the following e-mail address: or in writing to PROFIT system address. Contact with the designated data protection officer is possible via the indicated e-mail address or postal address.
  12. People employed or cooperating with PROFIT system receive e-mail correspondence sent by the Website users. Received and sent emails are stored on the mail server and in email programs (clients) on the computers of employees or people cooperating with PROFIT system.
  13. In the event of a change in the applicable privacy policy, appropriate modifications to the above rules will be made available on the Website.